LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) radiate noncoherent light in a continuous or pulsed mode with specific pulse frequencies, their effects on cells are different. Whereas lasers radiate coherent light. Laser light in a continuous mode commonly causes tissue heating, pulsed lasers can generate less tissue heating, as it has “quench period” (pulse OFF times) following the pulse ON times. In addition to the safety advantage, pulsed lasers can be applied with much higher peak power to improve penetration for greater therapeutic depth. LED lights generate less heat on our tissues than laser lights, especially in Infrared Red Light panels, which adopt our own patented heat dissipation system, and all LED chips are well protected at the appropriate temperature during continuous mode. Therefore, the main purpose of applying pulsed function in LED light therapy products is not heat reduction, but efficacy.

Numerous studies have shown that LED and laser have similar effects. The cells may need periods of rest, otherwise, they can no longer be stimulated further, some studies shown that the efficacy of pulsed wave (PW) is superior to continuous wave (CW) with everything else being equal. This is either because some fundamental frequency present in biological systems in the range of tens to hundreds of Hz (Hertz is simply the cycles per second, if we say 73 Hz, then the light is flashing on and off 73 times per second.), or alternatively due to some biological process occurring on timescales of a few milliseconds.

Various areas of the mammalian brain are known to have different specific frequencies. Electroencephalography (EEG) studies have identified five brain waves.

Gamma (γ) waves (35-80 Hz) are the fastest brain waves and are associated with higher brain functions like cognition and memory. In particular, 40 Hz, they can improve your cognition, information processing, memory, attention span, awareness and mindfulness. Due to these effects, researchers have indicated the use of gamma brain waves to treat numerous cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, mild traumatic brain injury, stroke, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia, and mood disorders like depression.

Beta (β) waves (12–35 Hz) mainly occur in adults who are awake, alert, busy or focused on the external world, encompassing the thinking process with its accompanying ego reactions.

Alpha (α) waves (8–12 Hz) are the dominant brainwave in adults who are awake and relaxed, restful, or reflective with their eyes closed. They are associated with calmness and alertness, and act as a bridge from the external to the internal world, and vice versa. It diminishes under conditions of open eyes or mental activity.

Theta (θ) waves (4–8 Hz) occur mainly in children ages 2–5 years old and in adults when they are lost in thought, drowsy, or sleepy. One’s focus is on the inner world.

Delta (δ) waves (0.5-4 Hz) are the slowest brain waves, which occur mainly in infants and young children, in adults during deep sleep, dreaming or adults with brain tumors. Delta is prominently seen in brain injuries, learning problems, inability to think, and severe ADHD. Adequate production of delta waves helps us feel thoroughly rejuvenated and is essential for our bodies to heal and recover.

Resonance is a physical phenomenon that occurs whenever waves or vibrations are involved. There are various types of resonances, including mechanical, acoustic, electrical, optical, orbital and atomic. When an LED light stimulus is applied, a resonance occurs between the frequency of the light pulse and the frequency of the brain wave, which induces a specific effect corresponding to different pulse frequencies. 10 Hz and 40 Hz, which can be chosen from Infrared Red Light panel; 4 Hz, 10 Hz and 40 Hz are optional in Infrared Red Light pad.

4 Hz and 10 Hz Pulse Frequency

One study was conducted in full compliance with the Helsinki Declaration. The trial used LED array stimulator (6pcs LEDs, 850nm, 30mW, 10 Hz) on the palms of 20 young people. Alpha (8–12 Hz) activity significantly increased in the occipital, parietal, and temporal regions of the brain. Theta (4–8 Hz) variation was induced significantly in posterior regions. The effect lasted for at least 15 minutes after the LED stimulation ceased.

Theta (4–8 Hz) patterns contribute to improved meditation, creativity, and sleep in the rapid eye movement (REM) phase.

The 810nm pulsed at 10 Hz was the most effective pulse frequency in neurological severity score (NSS) and body weight, additionally, it has an antidepressant effect and more effective therapeutic effect for traumatic brain injury (TBI) than at CW and 100 Hz, as well as a remarkable effect of burn wound contraction and re-epithelialization.

Moreover, numerous studies demonstrated 10Hz pulsed light has the beneficial effects on learning and memory impairments in certain diseases, such as sleep deprivation, TBI (traumatic brain injury), and mild to moderately severe dementia.

40 Hz Pulse Frequency

A study used 810 nm, 40 Hz pulsed, light-emitting diode (LED) devices combining transcranial plus intranasal PBM. It reported that 40 Hz pulse light activates microglia to reduce the burdens of β-amyloid and tau proteins, which are strongly implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The delivery of near-infrared light at 810 nm, pulsed at 40 Hz, produced significant improvements in cognition, acute short-term entrainment after each treatment, elevated gamma, beta and alpha oscillations, and attenuated theta and delta oscillations. The outcome is rapid and significant, noticeable within a few days, continuous and sustained for more than 3 weeks. The metrics continued to improve over the 17-week period. No negative side effects were observed.

In addition, it is well known that a trial using a 40 Hz light flicker on the eyes of mice with AD demonstrated its effectiveness against AD. An additional study to the effects of 40 Hz visual stimulation found that 40 Hz chronic light flicker has stress effects, promoting learning and memory in wild-type mice via long-term depression (LTD). 

Additionally, Infrared Red Light devices include four “Nogier Frequencies”.

Paul Nogier (1908.7.3-1996.5.15), a French neurologist and physician, “the father of auriculotherapy”. In 1966, Nogier presented his discovery that the amplitude and dimension of a patient’s radial pulse changes when a certain point in the auricle is stimulated. Gradually, additional experiments showed that this change could be obtained by stimulating the skin in addition to the pinna, a phenomenon known as Vascular Automonic Signal (VAS) under the guidance of Professor Pierre Magnin. Sometimes it is also called “Nogier’s pulse”. VAS is a transient blood change that occurs in response to skin or auricle stimulation.

In 1977, Nogier made a surprising discovery. He mapped the three frequencies that stimulate tissue production in our bodies:
1. The outermost tissue that forms the skin, glands, nerves, eyes, ears, teeth, brain and spinal cord. This tissue is known medically as the ectoderm.
2. The innermost tissue that forms the lining of the intestinal tract, lungs, bladder, urethra and auditory canal. This tissue is known medically as the endoderm.
3. Intermediate tissue that forms connective tissue, heart, blood and lymph vessels, kidneys, ovaries, testes, spleen and adrenal cortex. This tissue is known medically as the mesoderm.

Nogier eventually identified seven natural frequencies (A to G Frequency) for our bodies, with three frequencies corresponding to the three tissue types plus four additional frequencies. His research has shown that certain body tissues resonate at certain frequencies, and that application of these frequencies can help restore organs and tissues to healthy resonance frequencies.

Freq. F G A B C D E
Hz 73 146 292 584 1168 2336 4672

The resonant frequency refers to the natural frequency at which objects (in this case our body cells) vibrate. Sick cells vibrate at a different frequency than healthy cells. When a cell is exposed to a range of healthy frequencies, including its particular natural healthy frequency, the cell is thought to have the ability to pick up its particular resonant frequency, and then the sick cell gains the opportunity to amplify the vibration amplitude at its natural healthy frequency.

The seven frequencies became known as the Nogier Frequencies. They are preferentially recognized by the body and resonate with it, inducing specific biological effects. Infrared Red Light devices include four Nogier Frequencies, F, G, A, and B, their variants at ± 5%.

Frequency F, 73 Hz (Harmonic Frequency)

Balances Hormones: Resonates with subcortical or lower brain regions, including the thalamus and hypothalamus, the two primary control centers for body function.
1) Muscle spasms, facial pain, headaches and depression.
2) Non-healing bone fractures and hormones balance.
3) Speech, memory, unconscious reactions/reflexes.
4) Veterinary experience: Improves circulation.

Frequency G, 146 Hz (Harmonic Frequency)

Intellectual Organization: Resonates with the cerebral cortex of the brain. Frequency G is an universal frequency (like A) and can be tried under any conditions.
1) Memory, mental disorders, nervousness and worry.
2) Involved in thinking, imagining and creating.
3) Pain and muscle strain relief.
4) Veterinary experience: Reduces inflammation and scar tissue on tendons and ligaments, decreases edema and improves gums.

Frequency A, 292 Hz

Cellular Viability: Resonates with the Ectoderm (outermost tissue) that forms the skin, glands, nerves, eyes, ears, teeth, brain, and spinal cord. Frequency A is a universal frequency (like G) and can be tried under any conditions.
1) Improves wound healing, skin and nerve repair.
2) Reduces scar tissue, inflammation, and tumors.
3) Relieves pain and muscle strain.

Frequency B, 584 Hz

Autonomic Nerve Balance: Resonates with the Endoderm (innermost tissue) that forms the lining of the intestinal tract, lungs, bladder, urethra, and auditory canal. It also forms the thyroid gland, thymus gland, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
1) Improves nutrient absorption and regenerates cells.
2) Alleviates allergy problems and anti-inflammatory.
3) Balances the parasympathetic nervous system which activates tranquil functions such as stimulating the secretion of saliva or digestive enzymes in the stomach.
4) Helps circulatory problems, edema and lymphatic problems.

Frequency C, 1168 Hz

Muscles and Blood Circulation: Resonates with the Mesoderm (intermediate tissue) that forms connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscle and bone. It also forms the heart, blood and lymph vessels, kidneys, ovaries, testes, spleen and adrenal cortex.
1) Relieves musculoskeletal pain.
2) Repairs tendon and ligament injuries.
3) Relaxes large muscle groups.

Frequency D, 2336 Hz

Physical and Psychological Stress Adjustment: A coordinated effect.
1) Balances the two sides of the brain.
2) Reduces stress.

Frequency E, 4672 Hz

Peripheral Nervous System: Resonates with the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. The spinal cord carries the messages of the central nervous system from the brain to all other areas of the body, and the peripheral nervous system extends from the central nervous system. These nerves extend to the outermost regions of the body – to the organs, limbs and skin.
1) Improves spine and skin disorders.
2) Suppresses pain and boosts sedation.
3) Veterinary experience: Diminishes excess calcification associated with bone chips, spurs and arthritic joints.

We measured Infrared Red Light panel’s pulse frequencies as the video shown 10 Hz, 40 Hz, 73 Hz, 146 Hz, 293 Hz and 587 Hz.


All information collected is for informational purposes only. Further studies are needed to define these pulsed light effects for different disorders or conditions.


1. Gaurav K.Keshri, Gaurav Kumar, Manish Sharma, Kiran Bora,  Bhuvnesh Kumar, Asheesh Gupta. Photobiomodulation effects of pulsed-NIR laser (810 nm) and LED (808 ± 3 nm) with identical treatment regimen on burn wound healing: A quantitative label-free global proteomic approach. Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), DRDO, Delhi 110054, India. Version of Record 16 March 2021. [ScienceDirect]

2. Tian Tian, Xin Qin, Yali Wang, Yan Shi, Xin Yang. 40 Hz Light Flicker Promotes Learning and Memory via Long Term Depression in Wild-Type Mice. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021;84(3):983-993. [PubMed]

3. Anita E Saltmarche, Margaret A Naeser, Kai Fai Ho, Michael R Hamblin, Lew Lim. Significant Improvement in Cognition in Mild to Moderately Severe Dementia Cases Treated with Transcranial Plus Intranasal Photobiomodulation: Case Series Report. Photomed Laser Surg. 2017 Aug;35(8):432-441. [PubMed]

4. Takahiro Ando, Weijun Xuan, Tao Xu, Tianhong Dai, Sulbha K Sharma, Gitika B Kharkwal, Ying-Ying Huang, Qiuhe Wu, Michael J Whalen, Shunichi Sato, Minoru Obara, Michael R Hamblin. Comparison of therapeutic effects between pulsed and continuous wave 810-nm wavelength laser irradiation for traumatic brain injury in mice. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26212. [PubMed]


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